
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Test test 

Testing 1 2 3

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Craptastic Weather 

Why is it that whenever someone wants to visit me bad stuff happens? For instance, today Kimmers is supposed to fly out and what happens?...8" of snow and 3 hour airport delays happen. At least the bad weather isn't here for a change. If I have to shovel another 2 feet of snow off my car it'll be too soon!

Long Time No See 

Welcome to 2005!

Saturday, October 16, 2004


It's been a while, eh? So much has happened in the last nine months. So, so much. Funny, I can't think of anything interesting to write. Maybe next time.

Monday, January 12, 2004


I like sleep. Don't you?

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Cold cold cold cold cold cold 

For the last three days, it's been below zero here. Is this weather ever going to break? I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer in my room that has a feature that stores the record low. It got broken on last night with a bone chilling -13 degrees Fahrenheit! Now that is what I call cold. Does anyone have an extra plane ticket to Florida that I can have?!?!? Please!

Sunday, January 04, 2004

To work or not to work... 

My two week vacation is officially over. Back to work for me tomorrow. Was it good? Yes. Could it have been better? You bet your sour milk it could. Am I happy to go back to the grind? Yes, just so I can feel like I am back in a rhythm once again. Shouts out to Kimmers!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy New Year! 

As usual, New Year's festivities in Michigan are extremely boring. Yes, it comes down to drinking. I am happy to report that I did go for a run today so all the empty calories I am consuming aren't as bad as they could be. Whoa, my vision is clearing. Time for another? I'll drink to that!

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